
• The public input portion of the Special Council Meeting on February 11th, 2025, has now closed. The QMP item will be further considered at the February 24th, 2025 Council meeting, where staff will present the Quadra McKenzie Plan Phase 3 Engagement Summary, and Council will provide direction on project next steps.

The Council meeting agenda and report will be posted for viewing on the Council Meeting Schedule page on Thursday, February 20, prior to the meeting. The staff report can be found on the Saanich website.



• Residents of Saanich have to keep up the pressure
to ensure our concerns are heard by Council, and to make sure
actual consultation will take place before this Plan proceeds.



• January 28: Our Petition now has 3,811 signatures – and more thoughtful comments! Nearly 600 signatures in six days!

• On January 16, responding to a bylaw complaint, we took our Save Our Saanich sign down from where it stood on Quadra Street, letting people know Saanich was proposing 12-storey zoning for that site.

• On January 11, Save Our Saanich met with Councillors Zac DeVries and Karen Harper, and discussed the Plan. Save Our Saanich passed on the many concerns of residents who we had met while canvassing.

• On January 8, 2025, Victoria News printed a long interview with two of Save Our Saanich’s steering committee. This interview is also scheduled to be printed in the Saanich News on January 15.

• On January 7, 2025 Save Our Saanich met again with Councillor Susan Brice, to discuss ramifications of the Plan, and how it will affect Saanich neighbourhoods.

• On January 7, 2025, we reached 2,500 signatures (and many comments) on our online Petition! The Petition will continue as long as we can, before Saanich Council considers the Quadra McKenzie Plan at a Council Meeting in February. (Date to be announced). We will announce that date on the Website.



We acknowledge that the District of Saanich lies within the territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples represented by the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations and the W̱SÁNEĆ peoples represented by the W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout), W̱SIḴEM (Tseycum) and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) Nations.